Mbasa Tsetsana

 “I had never in my life written a script for the screen. Coming from an old boys school that had no drama, I was hungry to get involved with anything involving this Industry – and then my dream came true: Nab’Ubomi came along. No words can begin to describe how much Nab’ubomi enriched and instilled more love and passion within me for the film industry. To this day, I write, and am actually studying screenwriting at WITS. I pray with all my heart that it grows to a national and even international level. P.S. PLEASE bring SAYIFF back.”

 – Mbasa Tsetsana

Mbasa was a Nab’Ubomi filmmaker in 2008 when he made the film CHANGES.

He assisted on crew at SAYIFF (SA Youth International FIlm Festival) in 2010.

2 thoughts on “Mbasa Tsetsana

  1. i like watching the nabubomi school dramas i wish i would be part of it one day, can you please make it to my school.

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