Wrapping up Nab’Ubomi 2013

We are racing toward the close of 2013. What a rough and tumble year this has been! Despite the disappointment of the ECDoE promising a film training camp and then postponing and then stalling indefinitely we still DID it: We made the films! And so 2013 adds another 12 short films to the Nab’Ubomi film library!

We are busy with the final phases of post production on the films right now… Subtitles and Credits are in… and as I type this Mark is busy grading the picture… It’s so exciting to be working with Black Magic Cinema Camera this year and the beautiful picture we are playing with in post production! Hoping you’ll all notice something a little extra special in the picture quality this year!

A team of interns at RAPP (Radio Active Productions) are doing sound clean up and ‘final mix’ and creating the musical score – or positioning the music created by the students for their films. It looks like we’re all set for the judging of the films at the end of november.

We’re not holding out for an Awards Event from the DoE and instead will be announcing the nominees and winners in the last week of term. If everything stays on track, schools will be sent DVDs and award certificates before the close of term.

We will also be sending of the 2013 films to a Film Festival & Youth Media Education Summit called MICE in Valencia, Spain in February 2014.

To make sure everything runs smoothly next year we are starting early, locking down the schedule and taking the training strategy back into our control. With the EasternCape project we’re bring everything forward to allow for the launch of the Western Cape competition, where each phase of the programme will run slightly later.

We are ready now to announce the theme and dates for 2014…. so check the next post for this all important information COMING SOON!


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